
A heat health alert has been issued for parts of England, as the UK gets set for its hottest days of the year so far.


issue [ˈɪʃuː] n. 议题,争论点;v. 发表 (声明); 发出 (警告) get set 预备开始,准备好开始

Temperatures are forecast to reach 33C (91.4F) in parts of the south-east of England on Friday, as hot air spreads up from Spain, Portugal and north Africa.

随着热空气从西班牙、葡萄牙和北非蔓延开来,周五英格兰东南部部分地区的气温预计将达到 33 摄氏度(91.4 华氏度)。

forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst] v. 预测,预报 (过去分词 forecast或forecasted) spread up 传播,蔓延

People are advised to drink plenty of fluids, wear lightweight, light-coloured clothing, and a wide-brimmed hat, and to use a high-factor sunscreen.


be advised to 被建议做某事 fluid [ˈfluːɪd] n. 流体,液体 lightweight [ˈlaɪtweɪt] adj. 轻量的;浅薄的 light-coloured 浅色的 brim [brɪm] n. 帽檐,帽边 wide-brimmed 宽帽边的 high-factor 高倍的 sunscreen [ˈsʌnskriːn] n. 防晒霜 high-factor sunscreen 高防晒霜

Most of us are familiar with sun protection factor (SPF), the big number on the front of your sunscreen bottle. The higher the number, the greater protection it offers.

我们大多数人都熟悉防晒系数 (SPF),即防晒霜瓶正面上的大数字。数字越高,它提供的保护就越强。

sun protection factor 防晒系数

给从不用防晒霜的自己科普[捂脸]:SPF值,也就是我们平常说的防晒系数,是Sun Protection Factor的英文缩写。 SPF后面的系数,指紫外线照射不致伤害肌肤的一个时间范围,是根据低红斑剂量来计算的。 一般说来,防晒霜SPF指数越高,所给予肌肤的保护时间越长,这是一个防晒保护的时间概念。 肌肤对日晒其实有一个产生反应的时间。

Many brands also carry a five star rating too, and that might be just as important to understand.


rating [ˈreɪtɪŋ] n. 等级,级别

SPF tells you how much protection your sunscreen provides from UVB radiation. The star system tells you the percentage of UVA radiation that is absorbed by the sunscreen in comparison to how much UVB is absorbed.


UVB 中波紫外线(ultraviolet b) radiation [ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃn] n. 辐射,放射线 percentage [pəˈsentɪdʒ] n. 百分比,百分率 UVA 长波紫外线(ultraviolet a) absorb [əbˈzɔːb] v. 吸收 in comparison to 与……相比

Ultraviolet A and B refer to different wavelengths of radiation from the sun that enter the earth's atmosphere.


wavelength [ˈweɪvleŋkθ] n. [物] 波长

UVA is associated with ageing of the skin and pigmentation as well as skin cancer, particularly squamous cell carcinoma (the second most common type). It can affect human skin even through glass.


be associated with 与……有关 ageing [ˈeɪdʒɪŋ] n. 老化;变老,衰老 pigmentation [ˌpɪɡmenˈteɪʃn] n. 色素沉着 squamous [ˈskweɪməs] adj. 鳞状的;有鳞的 cell [sel] n. 细胞 carcinoma [ˌkɑːsɪˈnəʊmə] n. [肿瘤] 癌

UVB causes sunburn, and is linked to particular types of skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma (the most common type) and malignant melanoma.


sunburn [ˈsʌnbɜːn] n. 晒伤 malignant [məˈlɪɡnənt] adj. 恶性的,致命的;恶毒的,恶意的 melanoma [ˌmeləˈnəʊmə] n. (肿瘤)黑素瘤

Sunscreen doesn't stop all types of skin damage so for maximum protection, it's recommended to cover up and seek shade when the sun is strongest.


recommend [ˌrekəˈmend] v. 建议,劝告 ;推荐 shade [ʃeɪd] n. 背阴处,阴凉处

The SPF number on a bottle of sunscreen refers to how much UVB it allows in, not how much it blocks.


A sunscreen with SPF 15 allows one-fifteenth of the sun's rays to reach your skin, or about 7%.

SPF为15的防晒霜会让15分之一的太阳光线到达你的皮肤,即约 7%。

So it filters out about 93% percent of UVB rays while SPF 30 filters about 97%.

所以它过滤掉了大约93%的紫外线B射线,而SPF为30则会过滤掉大约 97%的紫外线。

filter [ˈfɪltə(r)] v. 过滤 filter out 过滤掉

This means if you could stay in the sun for 10 minutes unprotected without burning, SPF 15 would in theory give you 15 times that protection, or two-and-a-half hours before you'd burn.这意味着,如果你可以在不受保护的情况下在阳光下待10分钟而不会被晒伤,那理论上SPF 15 可以为你提供15倍的保护,或两个半小时之后你才会被晒伤。

给你多少倍的…… give you XXX times that……

The number of stars refers to the percentage of UVA absorbed as a ratio of how much UVB is absorbed. The scoring ranges from one to five stars, with five stars being the most effective.

星数是指防晒霜吸收的紫外线A与吸收的紫外线B的百分比。评分范围从 1 星到 5 星,其中 5 星是有的。

ratio [ˈreɪʃiəʊ] n. 比率,比例 score [skɔː(r)] n. (游戏或比赛中的)得分,比分;(测验的)评分,分数 range from 从……到……变动,从……到……范围

A low SPF sunscreen could have a high star rating, because the ratio of UVA to UVB protection is the same as in a higher SPF product.

低SPF防晒霜可能具有高星级,因为紫外线A与紫外线B防护的比率与高 SPF产品相同。

star rating 星级评分,星级评定

Ideally, you want a sunscreen with a high SPF and a high star rating.


Ideally [aɪˈdiːəli] adv. 理想地;地


These levels of protection assume sunscreen has been applied in ideal conditions.


assume [əˈsjuːm] v. 假定,假设

In reality, most people don't apply sunscreen perfectly, and it can rub off with sweat or while in water. Experts think most people only apply half the recommended quantity.


rub [rʌb] v. 蹭,擦,揉 rub off 擦掉

The British Association of Dermatologists says sunscreen with SPF 30 is a "satisfactory form of sun protection in addition to protective shade and clothing", and that it should be reapplied at least every two hours, no matter what its SPF.

英国皮肤科医师协会表示,SPF 30的防晒霜是“除了防护罩和防护服之外,一种令人满意的防晒选择。”而无论SPF是多少,都应至少每两小时重新涂抹一次。

dermatologist [ˌdɜːməˈtɒlədʒɪst] n. 皮肤科医生;皮肤学者

EU guidance states that sunscreen should only be marketed as having sun protection of "50+" and not use the ratings of 80 or 100 which can be found in some countries.


market v. 推销,促销;出售;n. 集市,市场

No product provides protection from the sun's rays.

没有产品能提供 的防晒保护。

There are lots of "extended wear" sunscreens on the market that advertise themselves as being for use "once a day". Many claim to offer protection for up to eight hours - if applied correctly.


advertise themselves as 标榜自己(学习这种表述)

But some dermatologists recommend that these products should still be applied at least every two hours, like any other sunscreen.


A report in 2016 criticised these products for not living up to their claims. It found that after six to eight hours, the average protection offered decreased by 74%.

2016 年的一份报告批评这些产品没有达到说过的要求。它发现,六到八小时后,这些产品提供的平均保护减少74%。

live up to 不辜负;做到;实践




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